The 5th International Conference on Economic Management and Big Data Application (ICEMBDA 2024)
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Keynote Speakers(Proposed invitation list)


Prof. Qile He

College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, University of Derby, United Kingdom

Research AreaInter-firm alliances and partnerships, Innovation strategies and processes of organizations, Sustainable and responsible business, Inter-organizational knowledge transfer, Supply chain optimization

BriefProfessor Qile He, also known as Horace, is a Professor of Strategy and Performance Management at the University of Derby, UK and the Chair of the College Research Committee at the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences.

He has previously held multiple research leadership roles at departmental, school, college, and university levels. He was previously the Associate Head of School for Research of the School of Strategy and Leadership at Coventry University, UK, the interim Head of Research and Innovation at the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences and the interim Theme Lead of the Business Economic and Social Policy Academic Theme of the University of Derby, UK. He has held multiple mentorship roles for academics from around the world. He was also a research portfolio mentor for the Royal Docks School of Business and Law, University of East London.

His research expertise and interests are in the area of interfirm alliances and partnerships, innovation strategies and processes of organizations, as well as sustainable and responsible business, and inter-organizational knowledge transfer. He has published over 90 papers in refereed journals, books, and leading international conference proceedings. Including prestigious international journals, such as British Journal of Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, European Management Review, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Production Planning & Control, and Food Control. He was a selected member of staff for RAE2008, REF2014, and REF2021. He has supervised multiple PhD candidates to completion.

He is a council member of the British Academy of Management. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. He is a reviewing expert for European Commission Horizon projects. He 

He is a council member of the British Academy of Management. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. He is a reviewing expert for European Commission Horizon projects. He serves on the editorial board of multiple international journals. He is also an editorial review board member for the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (CABS 4*).  He is also an active external examiner for multiple universities in the UK, Ireland and China.

Title of Keynote SpeechManaging Inter-firm Collaboration in a Digitalized World

AbstractOver the last three decades, the world’s technologies – especially in the area of information and communication technology (ICT) – have been advancing at an exponential rate. This unprecedented advance is regarded as digital transformation, in which the capacity of data processing and storage has expanded dramatically. This has allowed increasingly sophisticated digital applications to be possible, such as cloud-based applications, Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, big data analytics, machine learning, blockchain, digital product service integration (also known as servitization) and other related emerging Industry 4.0 aspects. In this keynote, Prof. Qile He will reflect on the inter-firm collaborations in the emerging digitalized world. He will discuss about the new business environment surrounding firms and their partners, and the emerging technological development, such as blockchain, open innovation, and cloud computing that will affect the future development of inter-firm collaboration. He will also reflect on the theoretical underpinnings that will inform the research development in this important area of research.


Prof. Yanling Zhang

Business School, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China

Research AreaCultural Heritage Based Tourism Development; Tourism Resource Management; Conference and Event Tourism, Tourism Economics, Tourism Corporate Management, Resource and Environmental Management, and Tourism Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.

BriefPh. D from TU Freiberg Germany; currently working as a professor and the deputy director of tourism management department, Business School, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. Her research focus includes Cultural Heritage Based Tourism Development; Tourism Resource Management; Conference and Event Tourism, Tourism Economics, Tourism Corporate Management, Resource and Environmental Management, and Tourism Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Title of Keynote SpeechOn the Tourism Based Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritages In the Big Data Era

AbstractUp to date, many countries have actively explored various modes for the protection of intangible cultural heritages with the assistance of big data and cultural tourism, and achieved a lot of successful experiences.  For example, the “fairy tale journey” promoted in Germany is undoubtedly a success case. Through big data analysis, the German National Tourism Committee designed a unique cultural tourism route based on Grimm’s Fairy Tales and named it the “Fairy Tale Tour”. Based on more than 70 fairy tales, the fantastic “fairy tale journey” attracts thousands of tourists to Germany. It not only brings hundreds of millions of euros to Germany, but also contributes largely to promote German culture throughout the world by tourists. It provide references for tourism based culture heritage protection in China.

In this presentation, we will discuss main factors affecting the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage based on tourism development, clarify various stakeholders in the process of promoting intangible cultural heritage and their demands in the process of cultural protection and inheritance. Through creative and targeted tourism activities developed based on intangible cultural heritage, economic and social benefits can be created, the government’s financial investment in the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage can be reduced, while the independent inheritance and spontaneous promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the era of big data can be achieved.


Assoc. Prof. Jing Liu

Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China

Research AreaText Mining and Time Series Forecasting

BriefLiu Jing has been engaged in research on data-driven decision-making, particularly in data-driven predictive model in operations management and text mining. She was selected for the Tianjin High-level Talent Support Program for Young Scholars and the Tianjin “131” Innovative Talents Training Program. She is a PI of one National Natural Science Foundation Project and one China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project. She has published over 10 papers, which have been indexed by SCI/SSCI/EI. 

Title of Keynote SpeechData-driven Models for Retail Management

AbstractData driven and relation-empowered predictive retail management has gained increasing attention. In this talk, we will provide two studies. First, given social media provides customers with great opportunities to share their opinions regarding certain products and services, we utilize textual reviews to identify products’ competitors. Specifically, (1) we propose a novel textual data augmentation method for identifying comparative text from user-generated content; (2) we conduct comparative relation extraction to extract comparative subject, object, aspect, and result; (3) we build corresponding comparative graph for competitive products, and refine the graph via entity disambiguation. Second, we leverage multivariate time series data to predict future sales of drugstores in China. Specifically, forecasting retail sales accurately is important for supporting strategic, tactic, and operational decisions. Interdependencies among groups of time series are ubiquitous in real scenarios. However, previous research either completely ignores or fails to exploit these cross-series dependencies effectively and efficiently. This study develops an innovative deep learning framework for long-term sales forecasting of retail drugstores. A novel graph neural network module is designed and developed for relational time series forecasting to capture cross-series (i.e., global) patterns. Moreover, we design a multi-source fusion module to fuse global patterns, specific temporal patterns of each time series, and context features.


Assoc. Prof. Raja Zuraidah RM Rasi

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia

Research AreaGreen Supply Chain Management, Halal Supply Chain, Quality improvement tools 

BriefDr Raja Zuraidah Rasi is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. She received her Bachelor of Technology Management, majoring in Manufacturing from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Industrial Sciences from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include sustainable supply chain, sustainability and operations performance. Her more recent work has been on sustainability in supply chain, and improving operations process through concepts such as root cause analysis, critical chains and lean systems. Dr Raja Zuraidah can be contacted at

Title of Keynote Speech:  Disaster Relief Supply Chain: A way to Understand and Improve Performances on Preparedness and Recovery

AbstractThe scope of damages and total economic loss resulting from acute naturaldisasters, extreme weatherand climatic events are undisputed. Following the disasters, the risks of damage and losses continues togrow and needs immediate attentions from stakeholders, which may caused chaotic in preparedness andburden to the organizations as well as stakeholders. A disaster relief supply chain support the disastermanagement in four phases, which include mitigation, preparation, response and reconstruction.However, a preliminary literature survey revealed that research in this area is patchy and that there is no  suitable framework has been develop to assimilate best practices emerging from various studies toformulate a framework which enable all stakeholders to work together to create an efficient, cost–effective and integrated disaster relief supply chain. We will explore the Disaster Relief Supply Chains bya case study approach inMalaysia. The objective would be exploring the area in terms of coordination,performance measurements, procurement, response planning, preparedness and knowledge management in the disaster management supply chains. It is expected that at the end of this study, the research work will fill the gap by developing astreamlined and integrated framework for global disaster relief chain.